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3 Tips To Guarantee Great Interviewing Body Language
inspiration for nurses job search motivation nursing school resume successful nursing career tips for nursing students
3 Tips To Guarantee Great Interviewing Body Language

By Jessie ODonohue on Nov 19, 2020

These days more than ever we have to rely on our body language. And interviewing is no different. Did you know that over 90% of human communication is actually conveyed by one's body language. Your body lang...

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Owning Self Confidence And Becoming Fearless
inspiration for nurses life tips motivation NCLEX prep nursing school successful nursing career TikTok
Owning Self Confidence And Becoming Fearless

By Jessie ODonohue on Oct 18, 2020

Confidence is the most important skill you can have as a nurse. Without it, we are nothing. It doesn't matter how much you study or read. If you do not believe in yourself first, when it comes time to use yo...

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How To Make a Professional Nursing Note So You Don't Look Silly
inspiration for nurses life tips motivation NCLEX prep nursing school
How To Make a Professional Nursing Note So You Don't Look Silly

By Jessie ODonohue on Sep 28, 2020

Learning how to write a nursing note is totally a thing. And it's one of those things they don't go over in nursing school... insert me.. so glad you're here. This is something you will eventually learn wit...

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How To Handle Nurses Who Eat Their Young
inspiration for nurses life tips motivation NCLEX prep nursing school
How To Handle Nurses Who Eat Their Young

By Jessie ODonohue on Sep 21, 2020

Okay, so I get it, this is totally a thing that is talked about in nursing school. I remember getting this article passed around and thinking how awful some nurses may be and started worrying about a problem...

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5 Tips To Being The Best New Nurse On Your Unit
inspiration for nurses life tips successful nursing career
5 Tips To Being The Best New Nurse On Your Unit

By Jessie ODonohue on Sep 16, 2020

Being a new nurse on a unit is hard enough, right? I want you to be ahead of the game and to annihilate these worries. That's why I've put together my top 5 tips to help you be the best new nurse on your unit. 

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Three Tips To Help You Remember Everything
inspiration for nurses motivation nursing school successful nursing career tips for nursing students
Three Tips To Help You Remember Everything

By Jessie ODonohue on Sep 01, 2020

I’m sure you feel like your brain is going to explode some days with all the knowledge just dropped on you, then other days (usually exam days) it feels completely empty right? I totally get it! 

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