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Jessie On Delivery makes on-line access to its resources available for informational purposes. This website and its searchable databases are offered for educational and informational purposes only, and should not be construed as nor used as a substitute for professional healthcare advice. Employees of Jessie On Delivery may assist with your use of but do not provide medical advice, care, treatment, or services, or engage in the practice of medicine in any way. Their assistance should not be construed as medical advice nor relied upon for diagnosis or treatment. No physician-patient relationship is created by use of this website, use of its searchable databases, or assistance of Jessie On Delivery personnel with such uses. Jessie On Delivery makes every effort to provide the most up to date and current information in the field. However, since advances in medicine change, we cannot guarantee that the information on the website is the most up to date.The resources are provided “as-is”. Jessie On Delivery will not be held responsible or liable for any errors, inaccuracies, or omissions to resource content, nor for complications, injuries, damages, or accidents arising from the use of Jessie On Delivery resources or procedures identified in the website.