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3 Tips To Guarantee Great Interviewing Body Language
inspiration for nurses job search motivation nursing school resume successful nursing career tips for nursing students
3 Tips To Guarantee Great Interviewing Body Language

By Jessie ODonohue on Nov 19, 2020

These days more than ever we have to rely on our body language. And interviewing is no different. Did you know that over 90% of human communication is actually conveyed by one's body language. Your body lang...

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4 Tips To A Rocking Resume
interview job search nursing school resume tips for nursing students
4 Tips To A Rocking Resume

By Jessie ODonohue on Oct 26, 2020

Writing a resume can be overwhelming. What should it look like? Should I add a picture? What sections should go where? How can I make mine stand out from others? Can something I did while in high school rele...

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Three Tips To Help You Remember Everything
inspiration for nurses motivation nursing school successful nursing career tips for nursing students
Three Tips To Help You Remember Everything

By Jessie ODonohue on Sep 01, 2020

I’m sure you feel like your brain is going to explode some days with all the knowledge just dropped on you, then other days (usually exam days) it feels completely empty right? I totally get it! 

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You Know Way More Than You Think You Do
motivation NCLEX prep nursing school tips for nursing students
You Know Way More Than You Think You Do

By Jessie ODonohue on Aug 31, 2020

Ok, so you’re worried about remembering everything you learned in nursing school when it’s actually time to be a nurse IRL... I get it. Nursing school goes so fast and so many things are thrown at you that you forget about them.

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